Academic thesis

Jessica Joeks: A hearse, inventory number M 2006/65 from the spectral museum in Kassel. Creation of a comprehensive concept for the preservation and restoration and for the improved suggestions to the surrounding. Back
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Abstract: The presented work describes a comprehensive concept for the preservation and restoration of a hearse, inventory number M 2006/65 from the spectral museum in Kassel. The emphasis of the thesis is the conservative analysis and the discussion of the conservator/restorer with the surrounding and the current exhibition situation of the exhibit regarding the aspired improvement of the situation. First, a short overview of the historical background of the object as well as a historical profile are given to the reader by the transportation of dead persons from the antiquity until today. In this regard, the different manifestations of the transport equipment of the individual epochs, whose development was shaped considerably by the social basic conditions and the circumstances, are described. Furthermore, the different accomplished technological- scientifical methods are described for the investigation of the object substance. In consideration of the historical knowlege, the won results offer the basics for the creation of the concepts and lead to the indicated improved suggestions to the presentation and to the surrounding situation.


  • academic institution: HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen
  • kind of theses:  Masterarbeit
  • main Tutor:  Prof. Dr. Michael von der Goltz
  • assistant Tutor:  Ulrike Neurath-Sippel M.A.
  • date:  2008
  • Language:  German
Jessica Joeks
Brühl 21
31134  Hildesheim

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