Academic thesis

Maike Grün: Possibilities of shellac extraction from a painted canvas support in the case of the painting „Forge with a Slaughtered Calf“ by a successor of David Tenier II., dated 2nd half of the 17th Century, from the painting gallery Alte Meister Dresden, Inv.-Nr. 99/102 Back
Language: Original   -   Translation
Abstract: The main focus of the work was the conservation and restoration of the badly damaged baroque
canvas painting "Forge with a slaughtered calf" by a successor of David Teniers II. in the collection of the painting gallery of the Alter Meister Dresden. It was intended to close numerous tears - whose length totaled 160cm - in the canvas and to straighten the deformed support without releasing the original stretching.
A partial shellac impregnation was reduced, the paint layer was consolidated and a coating of oil / protein lying directly against the paint layer was reduced. Finally, the paint losses were filled and retouched and varnish was applied. On the grounds of its complex requirements, the reduction of the shellac on the canvas presented itself as a theoretical Subject. After the presentation and testing of known extraction methods from the literature and practice, some attempts were made on sample images. These lead to the development of a compression system that matched perfectly to the canvas structure, is removable without residue and prevents the penetration of the solvent (alcohol) into the paint layer. The shellac reduction was finally carried out on the original with this compression system.


Keywords: tear mending, shellac extraction, shellac impregnation, insect excrement, micro fibre cloth
  • academic institution: Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden
  • kind of theses:  Diplomarbeit
  • main Tutor:  Dr. Winfried Heiber
  • assistant Tutor:  Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Hans-Peter Schramm
  • date:  2001
  • Language:  German

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