Consolidation & Communication

Materials and Methods for the Consolidation of Cultural Heritage: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue

International conference of the HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen

25. - 27. January 2018 | Dommuseum Hildesheim, Domhof 18-21, 31134 Hildesheim
(Conference languages: German and English)

30 Years Conservation and Restoration

To celebrate its foundation 30 years ago the conservation study program of the HAWK in Hildesheim organized an international symposium on "Consolidation and Communication" in January 2018:

Consolidation is a central task of conservation, namely to safeguard the aged, weakened material structures by appropriate means and methods. The symposium aimed to promote an exchange between the different disciplines of conservation:  As a way of inspiring new solutions, current research results based on innovative methods should be presented and discussed in view of their transferability to other kinds of cultural heritage objects.


Presentations related to the following range of topics have been presented:

  • Criteria for choosing suitable consolidants (e.g. their qualities, penetration behavior, and bonding capacity)
  • Influences of application methods on the conservation result and the further development of these methods
  • Determining the necessary degree of consolidation, assessing the long-term success of the conservation and its verification
  • Special solutions (innovative, technical or material), also those derived from other scientific disciplines

Christian Eckmann and Katja Broschat from "Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz" presented the reattachment of the ceremonial beard of King Tutankhamen's funerary mask in a public evening lecture on Thursday, 25 January.


Supported from the funds of the "Niedersächsisches Vorab".