Conference paper

Valentini, Francesca:

Cesare Brandis Teoria del restauro, ihre Anwendung auf die Restaurierung moderner Kunst (Vortrag auf Englisch).

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Some reflections about the application of fundamental principles of Cesare Brandi’s “Theory of restoration” to the conservation problems of contemporary art, which are physical and conceptual. These principles are confronted with works whose function is symbolic, mechanical and conceptual and whose intent is impermanence (non-duration) thus contrasting with even the possibility of being restored. The Brandian concepts (restoration as a critical and interpretive act, the methodological moment of recognition of a work of art; the distinction between matter and materials; the work of art as a closed creative process; the problem of copies and replicas) applied to the contemporary object sometimes does not confirm the complex procedures of conservation that have been tested in recent years.


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Associazione Amici di Cesare Brandi, Rom