
Schädler-Saub (Ed./Hg.), Ursula:

Hildesheim Guidelines for the Use of Digital Techniques in the Conservation-Restoration and Presentation of Fragments


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Participants, Authors:

Nearly all surviving works of art have become fragments in the course of their history in various ways and with differing consequences. However, the incompleteness of these works today, with the resulting historical and aesthetic qualities, is rarely recognized and referred to as such.
These guidelines address the ways in which we deal with fragments. How are these best under-stood and presented? Are integrations necessary for this purpose, and if so, in what form? The development and increasing importance of digital methods in conservation-restoration and in the mediation of fragmentary art and cultural property require an update of previous basic prin-ciples. These guidelines aim to help identify opportunities and risks in order to use digital means for the benefit of original fragments.

Compiled by Ursula Schädler-Saub (HAWK, ICOMOS), incorporating the contributions of colleagues involved in the preparation and implementation of the international conference by the HAWK Univer-sity of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hildesheim (Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Conservation and the Hornemann Institute) in cooperation with the German National Scientific Committee for Con-servation-Restoration of ICOMOS and the Verband der Restauratoren e. V. (Association of Restorers e.V.) "The Fragment in the Digital Age – Opportunities and Limitations of New Conservation-Restora-tion Techniques" at the HAWK, 7–8 May 2021.

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DOI (Digital Object Identifier)


URL (Webaddress)

Participants, Authors:

  • Ursula Schädler-Saub (Ed./Hg.) (Author)
    HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen