Academic thesis

Cäcilia Kegley: The Gothic wall paintings in the ossuary of the branch church Sankt Cecilia in Althofen/Carinthia Status assessment and concept development for conservation and restoration back

Language: Original   -   Translation
Abstract: The upper storey of the landmarked, hexagon shaped Ossuary of the succursal church Sankt Cäcilia in Althofen, Carinthia, shows early Gothic secco murals. Initially the walls were fully covered with figurative depictions and scenes from the passion of Christ. Today, the medieval plaster and the paint layer are gravely fragmented because of constructional modifications, flaking of the lime wash layers and various other deterioration processes.
The loss of substance due to scaling of plaster represents the most severe damage and represents the reason for the intervention. After examination, a concept for conserving and restoring of the wall paintings was formulated. The aim is the conservation of the plaster and the paintings as well as an improvement of the perceptibility of the depiction. The measures were implemented in a pilot area on the northwest wall.
The focus of the measures was on securing the endangered plaster and painting inventory. The exposability of the paintings and the covered area was determined on the basis of soundings. The highly endangered plaster clods and paint layers were successfully secured. The loss of substance caused by self-exposure can be minimized by removing the overpainting.


Keywords: Ossuary, gothic wall paintings, scaling of plaster, cavities, flaking of lime wash
  • academic institution: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
  • kind of theses:  Diplomarbeit
  • main Tutor:  o. Univ.-Prof. DI Mag. Wolfgang Baatz
  • assistant Tutor:  Mag. Beate Sipek
  • date:  2021
  • pages:  177
  • pictures:  195

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