Academic thesis

Daniel Jöst: Detrimental effects on the building fabric of the Heilig-Geist chapel in Bockenem (Germany). back

Language: Original   -   Translation
Abstract: This thesis examines, which detrimental effects harm the fabric of a building and how these influence each other. The main emphasis is placed upon the analysis of sandstone components as damages to these are especially noticeable.Scientific and engineering-based methods put to use include climate related surveys and the analysis of salts. The results reveal that the presence of salts constitutes the most influential cause of damage. Atmospheric exposure as well as interior and exterior ground sealing have a profound influence on salt related damages. Based upon these findings, recommendations for lowering the damaging effects are made.


Keywords: Sandstone, salt related damages, conservation, climate related surveys, salt analysis, ground sealing, preservation of historic buildings
  • academic institution: HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen
  • kind of theses:  Diplomarbeit
  • main Tutor:  Prof. Jan Schubert
  • assistant Tutor:  Prof. Dr. Erwin Stadlbauer
  • date:  2004
  • Language:  German
  • pages:  81
  • pictures:  39
Daniel Jöst
lcjoest@[Diesen Teil loeschen]

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