Academic thesis

Basher Abd El Kader: back

Language: Original   -   Translation
Abstract: In 1913, during an expedition in the Egyptian Qaw-region, several fragments of a ceiling-painting had been discovered which once belonged to one of the largest private tombs in Egypt. Ravages of time and adverse climatic conditions caused severe damages to the elaborate wall- and ceiling paintings, same as they did to the entire tomb. The extant fragments are in a desolate condition and show various types of damage, including fissures and breakages, several grades of soiling, scaling and discolouration. The once so colourful and detailed ornamentation is now hardly recognisable. Prior to the actual conservation, extensive research had been carried out, comprising UV-luminescence analysis, raking-light observation, IR-analysis and pigment- and binder analysis, in order to determine the condition of the fragments and to devise suitable cleaning methods. Following the elaborate cleaning of the objects, the question of their presentation in a museum context arose. Since all but one of the fragments showed the same design-ornamentation, it was possible to provide a reconstruction of a two-dimensional pattern in support of the aesthetic impact of the original surface. In a last step, it is envisaged to embed the fragments in a novel foam, the finish of which will constitute of a special mortar-layer which will receive the said pattern as a substitute for the missing surfacedecoration. The conservation and restoration of the fragments ensured the safeguarding of one of the few surviving examples belonging to the old-Egyptian sepulchral art of the 12th Dynasty, which are a testimony of the amazing craftsmanship of this ancient high culture.


  • academic institution: FH Erfurt
  • kind of theses:  Masterarbeit
  • date:  2013
  • Language:  German

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