
Schwan, Stephan:

The Part and the Whole: Perception of Fragments from a Psychological Perspective


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To a certain extent, human perception is able to compen-sate for visual incompleteness. However, if the incomplete-ness exceeds a certain degree, perception remains frag-mentary. Digital or material supplements offer a remedy here; they serve as cognitive tools that can support the understanding of historical facts. But they may influence the impression of the authenticity of a historical object or building. Furthermore, additions represent more or less verifiable interpretations that viewers are often not aware of and this can lead to false conclusions.

A translation by Roger Skarsten of the conference paper: Der Teil und das Ganze: Wahrnehmung von Fragmenten aus psychologischer Sicht published in: Schädler-Saub Ursula; Weyer Angela (Ed.): Das Fragment im Digitalen Zeitalter | The Fragment in the Digital Age. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen neuer Techniken in der Restaurierung | Opportunities and Limitations of New Conservation-Restoration Techniques, Tagungsband der interdisziplinären Tagung der HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen in Kooperation mit der ICOMOS AG Konservierung-Restaurierung und dem Verband der Restauratoren e. V., vom 7. - 8. Mai 2021, Berlin 2021 (= Schriften des Hornemann-Instituts, Band 21), pp. 44–54


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Beteiligte, Autor/inn/en:

  • Stephan Schwan (Autor/in)