The UNESCO World Heritage and the Role of Civil Society. Proceedings of the International Conference Bonn 2015
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The objectives of the conference were:
1. To review the situation of selected World Heritage sites from the perspective of civil society, particularly with regard to negative anthropogenic environmental influences.
2. To inform the German and international public of the progress and challenges in implementing the World Heritage Convention from the perspective of civil society.
3. To demonstrate the extent of the contributions of civil society for the protection of World Heritage.
4. To formulate possibilities for the participation of civil society in implementing the World Heritage Convention.
5. To take steps towards the formation of national and international civil society networks on World Heritage.
The conference was attended by 115 representatives of civil society organizations and indigenous peoples from 33 countries. The participants came from all continents, covered all major problem areas of the world heritage, and took into account the whole range of different types of World Heritage sites.
In the presentations, the situation of 39 World Heritage sites were evaluated; in addition 9 presentations covered the general situation of world heritage sites, and 10 lectures presented the work of NGOs to the World Heritage in an overview. The talks have highlighted not only the variety of opportunities for participation of civil society in implementing the World Heritage Convention, but also gave a representative overview of different types of civil society actors.
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