
Johanna Wilk: Haus Beer (1930). Interior Survey and Preservation Strategies for Interior Decorations Zurück

Sprache: Original   -   Übersetzung
Zusammenfassung: The Haus Beer in Vienna, Austria, was built and furnished by Josef Frank and Oskar Wlach in 1930. This thesis offers the first detailed survey of the building’s interior. The main aim is the identification of the substance of 1930. To this ends, the interior’s various elements are examined from material and technological perspectives, and the information thus garnered is then augmented and supported with literary research, the study of historic photographs, and scientific analysis. This comprehensive survey and given recommendations for conservation should contribute to the long-term preservation of Haus Beer and its interior, and serve as a basis for future decisions concerning its use.


Schlagworte: Josef Frank, Oskar Wlach, Haus und Garten, furniture, interwar period, interior survey
weitere Angaben:
  • Hochschule: Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
  • Art der Arbeit:  Diplomarbeit
  • Erstprüfer/in:  Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gabriela Krist
  • Zweitprüfer/in:  -
  • Abgabedatum:  2012
  • Sprache:  German

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