
Jan Günther Menath: The History of restoration of the late gothic wall and ceiling paintings in Memmingen (Germany) in the 20th century. Zurück

Sprache: Original   -   Übersetzung
Zusammenfassung: The late Gothic wall and ceiling paintings in Memmingen are amoung the most important in Southern Germany and are the focus of this work. The present day condition of the late gothic paintings is a combined result of the initial reception of the works, their interpretation and the various restoration treatments which have changed the historical work of art following mutations in taste and understanding over time. The criteria and conditions for the assessment and restoration of an altered and fragmentary painting have changed greatly over the last 100 years. An overall understanding of the history of any work of art is thus the basis for responsible and respectful treatment. As part of this work, and for the first time, the late gothic wall paintings in Memmingen have been inventoried and their art history has been investigated; this has further included a consideration of the prominent art restorers active in Memmingen in the past. Finally, documentation of previous treatment have been undertaken.


weitere Angaben:
  • Hochschule: HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen
  • Art der Arbeit:  Masterarbeit
  • Erstprüfer/in:  Prof. Dr. Ursula Schädler-Saub
  • Zweitprüfer/in:  Dr. Markus Weis
  • Abgabedatum:  2006
  • Sprache:  German
  • Seitenzahl:  129
  • Abbildungen:  Anha

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