
DOI Information

Information on Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)

We use DOIs for texts, images and videos that can be accessed via databases of the Hornemann Institute of the HAWK, so that these resources can be quoted reliably and to secure their accessibility remain accessible in the long term.
In the case of an e-publication with DOI, the e-publication can therefore not be deleted and essential information cannot be changed.

DOIs are assigned by licensing agencies, in our case the Technische Informationsbibliothek TIB (Technical Information Library) in Hanover. The concerning pertinent information can be accessed via an internet address (URL), that is registered with every DOI. If the physical save location of the saved material changes – and therefore the URL as well – the DOI is connected to the new internet address, so the thus ensuring continued accessibility is obtained.

Additionally, metadata to on every DOI-object is saved in a universal data format, in which records among others the copyright, the title, the editorship and other information regarding the file's content are recorded. Connections to other data can be viewed via this the metadata. Authors can reference e.g. measuring measurement data, further images and coherences connections with other publications in this way.


Quotations of Citing Objects with DOI

Because the direct access to a digital object via the DOI is ensured and all of the important information is saved in the metadata, a proof reference can be narrowed down limited to:

author: title, possibly: institution (if applicable), type of resource, year of publication, identifier

Hacke, Anne-Marei: Investigation into the Nature and Ageing of Tapestry Materials, University of Manchester 2006, doi: 10.5165/hawk-hhg/100


Access to DOI-objects

DOIs cannot be accessed via a browser, but must be converted to a retrievable address by a so-called resolver, either by an entry in the search form of the website https://dx.doi.org/ or simply by putting the resolver's address in front of the DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5165/hawk-hhg/100

To protect the users, a DOI does not usually lead directly to a digital file, but to a website, from where the download can be done performed manually.