Academic thesis

Thomas Stöckl: Consolidation problems of early-medieval iron findings back

Language: Original   -   Translation
Abstract: Aim of this dissertation is to restore and conserve the mostly iron burial gifts of an alamannic burial of the early 7th century. Because of the advanced degradation of the artefacts the question of a suitable way for consolidation appears, to enable an exposure without bigger substancial loss. Connected to this the applicability of an industrially used rheologically benefitting impregnation resin on the base of monomere methacrylate is seen as one possible solution.
The examinations consider the actual state of investigation and complete this one by own trial series. The creation of the concept for the following conservation bases on the results of these trial series.


Keywords: burial gifts, alamannic burial, consolidation, impregnation resin
  • academic institution: Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
  • kind of theses:  Diplomarbeit
  • main Tutor:  Prof. Dr. Matthias Knaut
  • assistant Tutor:  Dipl.-Rest. (FH) Peter Alber
  • date:  2004
  • Language:  German
  • pages:  109
  • pictures:  36

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