Academic thesis

Katrin Etringer: Public art in Bonn back

Language: Original   -   Translation
Abstract: This thesis examines the maintainance possibilities of outdoor sculpture in the city of Bonn considering 12 examples of various materials and techniques as examples. The examination of the artist´s intent, technology, conservation/restoration history and current conditon form the foundation for a development of conservation proposals. As an additional aspect serves the analyses of the environment in which a sculpture is set. The aim of this thesis is a detailed inventory of outdoor sculpture as an example for future examination of a large art collection in public space.


  • academic institution: Technische Hochschule Köln
  • kind of theses:  Diplomarbeit
  • main Tutor:  Prof. Hans Portsteffen
  • assistant Tutor:  Antje Janssen
  • date:  2008
Katrin Etringer
Sankt Maternus Strasse 31
k&k studios
56070  Koblenz
etringer@[Diesen Teil loeschen]
Related Webaddress
Diplom-Restauratorin mit Werkstatt für Gemälde und Skulpturen in Koblenz.

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