Academic thesis

Simone Schmidt: back

Language: Original   -   Translation
Abstract: Between 1960 and 1969 an archaeological excavation in the precincts of the former
Monastery of Brunshausen in Lower Saxony uncovered 3200 stained glass fragments with
painted decoration. This thesis discusses the characteristics of the condition of the find with
regards to its deposition in the ground as well as to its atmospheric deterioration. A wide
range of scientific and technological research supports the theoretical discussion and gives
an overview of the large corpus of finds. The resulting concept for conservation and
restoration interventions was developed and executed with regards to presentation in a
museum and to the archival storage respectively. The fragmentary character of the stained
glass was retained and represents the starting point for its interpretation. Once sorted, the
find could be dated to the first half of the thirteenth century.


  • academic institution: FH Erfurt
  • kind of theses:  Diplomarbeit
  • date:  2007

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