Hornemann Institute News 1/2018

Dear newsletter recipients,

Welcome to the newsletter of the Hornemann Institute, which informs you about the highlights of our activities.

Current Events

Interdisciplinary Conference. Church Climate - Preventive conservation of the interior furnishings

The conference focuses on the climate in churches, with a particular focus on the potential for damage to interior furnishings such as altarpieces, sculptures, paintings and organs.
Through keynote lectures, attendants will be able to find out more about the current state of knowledge from various fields of expertise and, in addition, gain a broader awareness of the problem of building physics, construction, and restoration-related monument preservation challenges. "Best practice" case studies and ongoing research projects will show the variety of technical and preventive conservation options which consider the different conditions of each site.
When: 16–18 January 2019
Where: HAWK, Hildesheim, Hohnsen 2
Conference language: German
Application deadline: 6 January 2019
Registration is now possible. For further information see: https://www.hornemann-institut.de/english/conference_klimazone_kirche.php

In keeping with the conference, we have published two lectures from 2016 that were held in German at the HAWK in Hildesheim.

Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Restaurator Univ. Ralf Kilian et al.:
Nachhaltigkeit in der Kulturerbeforschung - Langzeiterfahrungen mit der Untersuchung historischer Gebäude 12 Jahre konservierungswissenschaftliche Forschung in der Renatuskapelle in Lustheim

Dipl.-Restauratorin Univ. Kristina Holl et al.:
Konservierungswissenschaftliche Begleitung der Inbetriebnahme einer innovativen Lüftungsanlage in Schloss Linderhof

New books

Conference Papers of the Consolidation Conference
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hildesheim (HAWK) organized an international conference on "Consolidation and Communication" from 25 to 27 January 2018 in Hildesheim. The conference proceedings comprise 176 illustrated pages and 16 articles written in German or English (with abstracts of the articles in other languages). The authors come from Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom and the results of both long-applied as well as new fundamental research on the consolidation of art are published here. Consolidation measures and application types for different material areas are explained, and their potential to be used on objects made of other materials is also explored. Conference Papers has been published as volume 18 in the series of publications of the Hornemann Institute, and costs 29.90 Euros. It can be ordered from the Imhof Verlag.

Conference Papers of the Sgraffito Conference
The conference papers of the international Sgraffito conference held from 2 to 4 November 2017 at the HAWK in Hildesheim will be published as postprints in November 2018. The conference focused on the material, technical and thematic change of these special plaster decorations from the Middle Ages to the late 20th century. Further information can be found here.
You will be able to order the book directly from the Hornemann Institute.

New electronic publications for conservators

EwaGlos – Japanese translation is online
The European Illustrated Glossary of Conservation Terms for Wall Paintings and Architectural Surfaces (the so-called EwaGlos) is now available in 13 languages.
The Japanese translation was prepared by Prof. Dr. Takeshi Ishizaki, Tohoku University of Art and Design, Institute for Conservation of Cultural Property, and ICOMOS, together with 13 other contributors.
You can find the English definitions and all 13 translations as a free download on: www.ewaglos.eu/pages/download.php

For anyone who is interested in translating EwaGlos (as voluntary work) and publishing it on our website, we have prepared a simple template for this purpose. Translators will be able to provide their own foreword and a list of the contributors.

Full text publications of research papers (in German)

Bachelor Thesis
Nanette Lang:
Frühneuzeitliche Notariatssignete aus den Beständen des Stadtarchivs Hildesheim. Entwicklung, Symbolik und restaurierungsethische Aspekte (Early modern notary signs from the Hildesheim city archive. Development, symbolism and ethical aspects of conservation)
HAWK, Hildesheim 2014, doi: 10.5165/hawk-hhg/367

Project Report
Franzen, Christoph et al.:
Winterschutzeinhausungen von Natursteinskulpturen in national bedeutenden Gartenanlagen, modellhafte Bewahrung von Kulturressourcen und Qualitätssicherung
Abschlussbericht des DBU-Förderprojektes, 2018

Recording of lectures from the Hornemann Kolleg
A video recording of the Hornemann Kolleg 12 is available free of charge.
16 May 2018: Jutta Göpfrich, Deutsches Ledermuseum Offenbach
Frisch restauriert... und dann? Konservierung von Leder und artverwandten Materialien im Spannungsfeld der Objektpräsentation

Continuing Training

Online courses from 17 September to 18 November 2018
These online courses facilitate individual study with regard to time management, learning speed and the depth of knowledge you wish to achieve. You can check your personal progress with the help of tests. Tutors will assist you whenever you encounter technical or content-related difficulties. Participants will receive a Hornemann Institute certificate upon successful completion of the program and after passing a final online examination.

- Microbial Infestation of Objects of Art and Cultural Heritage by Prof. Dr. Karin Petersen and Barbara Hentschel M.A.
- The Examination of Transparent Coatings on Furniture and Wooden Objects by Prof. Dr. Gerdi Maierbacher-Legl, Dr. Julia Schultz M.A. and Merle Strätling M.A.
- Conservation of Globes by Mag. Dr. hab. Patricia Engel and Michael Højlund Rasmussen

Only in German:
- Dokumentationsfotografie (Documention Photography) by Barbara Hentschel M.A. and Dipl.-Des. Clemens Kappen
- Erhaltung von Wachsmoulagen (Conservation of Wax Moulages) by Dipl.-Rest. Johanna Lang and others

For further Information see here.

The following course is offered only on 22 October and accepts a limited number of participants.
Roksana Jachim M.A .: Sicherer Umgang mit kontaminiertem Kulturgut (Safe handling of contaminated cultural assets). The course is designed to teach different professional groups how to handle potentially contaminated cultural assets. They should learn to correctly assess hazards and identify possible measures. The course is based on German legislation.

News from the Hildesheim restoration programs

Bachelor Theses

Busse, Chilja:
Die Behandlung von Deformationen im Pergament durch Feuchtigkeit. Betrachtung von Quell- und Schwundverhalten
(The treatment of deformations in parchment by moisture considerating swelling and shrinkage behaviour)

Del Duca, Milena; Vollmer Viola:
Fragmentarische Schnitzfiguren. Präsentation und Vermittlung im kirchlichen und im musealen Raum
(Fragmented carved sculptures. Presentation and mediation in the Church and museum space)

El Nahawi, Ute:
Untersuchungen der passepartourierten Fotografien Otto Umbehrs (1902-1980) unter konservatorischen Gesichtspunkten
(Investigations of the matted photographs Otto Umbehrs (1902-1980)under conservatory aspects)

Jung, Dawoon:
Identifizieren eines historischen Klebstoffes und Lösen der Verklebung – Möglichkeiten und Risiken am Beispiel von aufgeklebten Pergamentfragmenten der SUB Göttingen
(Identifying a historical adhesive and loosening the bond - possibilities and risks using glued parchment fragments of the SUB Göttingen)

Michels, Stefan:
Eine Schwarzwälder Flötenuhr, signiert: Johann Kaltenbach, Neustadt, Nr. 18; um 1830. Technologie - Zustand - Behandlungskonzept
(A black forest flute-clock, signed: Johann Kaltenbach, Neustadt, Nr. 18; about 1830. Technology - constitution - treatment concept)

Montini, Anika:
Die Entwicklung eines Leitfadens für private Sammler zur konservatorisch korrekten Handhabung von Aquarellen, Druckgraphiken und Zeichnungen des 20. Jahrhunderts
(The development of a guideline for private collectors on the conservational correct handling of watercolors, prints and drawings of the 20th century)

Orthmann, Alice:
Ruinenlandschaft im Prozess. Erhaltungsproblematiken an der Installation "Glaskatzen - Mülleimer der Hoffnung" von Urs Fischer
(Scenery of ruins. Conservatory problems with the installation “Glaskatzen – Mülleimer der Hoffnung” by Urs Fischer)

Rauschenplat, Wiebke:
Spuren Lesen und darstellen. Beispiele für zerstörungsfreie Materialuntersuchungen an Graphiken der Sammlung Albrecht Haupt
(Read and Represent tracks. Examples of non-destructive material investigations on graphics of the Albrecht Haupt collection)

Schlichtegroll, Felix:
Großformatige Karten. Konzepterstellung und Lagerungsempfehlung am Beispiel der "Karte der Wiesen und Weiden" aus dem Stadtarchiv Hildesheim
(Broadsheet maps. Concept creation and storage advice for a broadsheet map of the city archive of Hildesheim named “Karte der städtischen Wiesen und Weiden”)

Schlüter, Julia:
In situ Behandlung eines unvollständigen Buchblocks im Originaleinband. Konservatorische Empfehlungen für den Band „Electa Juris Publici oder Die Vornehmsten Staats-Affairen in Europa“ aus dem Jahr 1711 im Stadtarchiv Hildesheim
(In situ treatment of an incomplete innerbook in the original binding. Conservational recommendations for the book „Electa Juris Publici oder Die Vornehmsten Staats-Affairen in Europa“ from the year 1711 in the city archive Hildesheim)

Schönfelder, Kaja:
Eine Barockgitarre von Joachim Tielke aus dem Besitz des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, Nürnberg. Analyse der Herstellungsweise und experimentelle Rekonstruktion des vielfach gewölbten, intarsierten Korpus
(A baroque guitar made by Joachim Tielke, from the collection of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg. Analysis of the manufacturing technique and experimental reconstruction of the multiple curved and inlayed body)

Trautvetter, Kira:
Material- und Zustandsuntersuchungen des Papiers uigurischer Zeitungen der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
(Analytical study of the material and the condition of the paper of Uyghur newspapers from the Göttingen State and University Library)

Master Theses

Drengemann, Henrieke:
Ultraschall-Oberflächenmessung zur Bestands- und Zustandserfassung von Wandmalereiobjekten. Restauratorische Untersuchung zur Auswertung und Klassifizierung von Messdaten ausgewählter Bereiche in Pompeji und im Schwahl des Schleswiger Doms
(Ultrasonic surface measurements for the inventory and condition recording of wall painting objects. Investigation for the evaluation and classification of measurement data in selected areas in Pompeii and in the Schwahl of Schleswig´s Cathedral)

Gremme, Vera:
Untersuchung von neuen Produkten auf Anwendbarkeit am Beispiel von klebstoffbeschichteten Stabilisierungspapieren
(Investigating the applicability of new products by using the example of adhesive-coated papers for stabilisation)

Hartmann, Rebekka:
Zur Trennung von schimmelverblocktem Papier durch den Einsatz von Enzymen
(About the separation of mould induced blockings of paper)

Jonasch, Barbara:
Mittelalterliche plastische Blutmale Christi im Rheinland
(Medieval sculptural formed blood in wooden christ presentations in Rhineland)

Kautz, Jennifer-Katrin; Stabenow, Jennifer:
Das Ratsgestühl von 1594 von Snitker Warneken Burmester in der Gerichtslaube des Lüneburger Rathauses. Befundsicherung und Feststellen des konservatorischen Handlungsbedarfs
(The council stalls of 1594 by Snitker Warneken Burmester in the court arbor at the town hall of Lüneburg (in cooperation with Jennifer Stabenow))

Kötter, Silke:
Integrated Pest Management als Daueraufgabe des Bestandserhaltungsmanagements am Beispiel des Niedersächsischen Landesarchivs
(Integrated Pest Management as a permanent task of conservation management using the example of the Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv)

Langhagel, Sarah:
„Das eigenartige Kästchen“ aus der Lüneburger St. Johanniskirche,heute im Museum Lüneburg. Technologische Untersuchung und Behandlungskonzept
("The peculiar casket" from Lüneburg St. Johannis church, today in the Museum Lüneburg. Technological examination and treatment concept)

Lunau, Lara:
Kunsttechnologische Untersuchungen zur Feststellung der Zusammengehörigkeit von sieben Holzfiguren aus dem Lüneburger Rathaus
(An art-technological examination to reassess the affiliation of seven wooden sculptures from Lüneburg city hall)

Schürmann, Lea:
Identifizierung eines Bauaktenbestandes des Stadtarchivs Kiel aus dem 19./20. Jahrhundert und daraus abgeleitete Konservierungsziele
(Identification of Construction Documents from the Stadtarchiv Kiel of the 19th and 20th Century and derived Preservation Aims)

On our website we have recently published many abstracts of academic theses from other universities in the field of conservation.

European Day of Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage
The HAWK Restoration department will participate in the first European Day of Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage on 14 October 2018. More details can be found here. Among other things, the restoration workshops will be open as well as the exhibition of the Tobsdorfer Choir Stalls.

Best regards
The Team of the Hornemann Institute
Dipl.-Rest. Barbara Hentschel M.A., Roksana Jachim M.A., Nina Niemeyer-Thömel, Dipl.-Ing. Gunnar Werner, Dr. Angela Weyer M.A.

For up-to-date news, follow us on facebook.com, LinkedIn, Twitter und Google+.


Design: CI/CD Team HAWK

Cover, photo: Philip Kron Morelli

Photo: Ramirez Montalvo Palace, Florence, ca. 1573 (Rafael Ruiz Alonso); Design: CI/CD Team HAWK

Foto: Ledermusem Offenbach, Design: CI/CD Team HAWK